10 June, 2010

99 Problems But A B!t@# Ain't One


7 hours in an ER. 50 million calls that have to be made today to try to get me seen by someone. And our phones are shut off. We would have to come up with $300 today to get them turned back on and there's NO WAY that's gonna happen. We don't get either of our loans until at least tomorrow but that probably won't really hit until Monday. So we're phone-less until then.

We have to get our phone taken way down. This almost $400 a month is ridiculous. Now I know we have three lines with unlimited data plans but it STILL shouldn't be that expensive. When we do get the $300 I'm going to take a look at the plan. Minutes need to go down or something because we cannot pay this right now.

So today will be spent running around I suppose. I can't make the calls but the contact still needs to be made. I'm gonna let Adi sleep a little more than see if she wants to run around with me. The company would be nice. I just wanna get on the road already. Get home where we can have jobs and work and have a nice house and all that jazz. This limbo shit is making my back hurt. I wanna see how high I can go, not how low I can go.

But I guess sometimes you have to go low, hit rock bottom, before you can start to ascend again. And up from here I shall go.

I got a letter from my lawyer. Apparently, the typical waiting time from when a claim for a hearing before a judge is made to the time the actual hearing date is set is 500 days!!!! That's a year and a half. So I'll get home, probably work a bit, and see if I can go back out on temporary disability. I have gallstones and/or polyps, a mass in my colon, inflamation and infection... I'm in no condition to work right now. Of course, I could get home and start being able to be seen and go back to work and be fine. To which all of this time with the lawyer will be somewhat of a waste. Who knows what to do at this point. At the time the hearing finally happens they'd owe me almost 3 years of back pay. Even at $800 a month that's a considerable amount. Even after my lawyer fees of 30% are taken out we're looking at a decent amount. And if they have to pay me from the first day I filed temporary disability that's close to 4 years..... so perhaps it's worth it to just follow it through. Get put back on temporary no matter what it takes and get that lump sum. Worst case scenario we can have a good savings for while I'm on disability and getting better.

I guess that's something to look forward to.

That and getting home. I've pretty much packed up most of what I can. There's a little more I can do but it's mostly clothes and things that will wait until the last minute. Put a hitch on the car and put boxes on the trailer and get outta dodge! The support I'll get at home, even if everything still sucks this much, will make it mostly better. I have the most amazing friends and family and being able to lean on them will make this fight much more worthwhile.

But until then I keep playing the limbo game. How low can I go?

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