In Japan dragonflies are symbols of courage, strength, and happiness, and they often appear in art and literature, especially haiku.
Dragonflies are among the most ancient of living creatures.
Over the centuries an extensive folklore has seen dragonflies revered in some cultures as symbols of strength, regeneration and pure water.
Dragonflies symbolize whirlwind, swiftness and activity. The dragonfly is an important insect in Zuni legend, where they are shamanistic creatures with supernatural powers.
Why do I share all this today? My very first tattoo was on my right ankle. It is of a dragonfly that my aunt drew. She, my mother, and I all got the same tattoo. She was hippie-like, worked with rocks and energies, and believed in balance in the universe. She's a free spirit and someone I admire. She told a story of the dragonfly being a descendant of the dinosaurs and dragons. Being a descendant of such strong creatures the dragonfly was said to be a strong creature itself.
Now there is scientific evidence that the dragonfly predates dinosaurs. But perhaps they are descendants of the dragon; come from folklore or a distant past that our scientists have yet to uncover. Who knows. I just know I've always been drawn to these majestic creatures. They shimmer in the sunlight and signal the glorious summertime. They are one of the oldest living creatures on the planet so that tells me they are strong, even if they don't come from fire breathing creatures. They are a natural predator to mosquitos and are used to keep children in line in some cultures; parents tell them if they tell a lie a dragonfly will come and sew their mouth shut while they sleep!
Dragonflies don't sting and there are very few cases of a dragonfly biting anyone. These cases involve ignorant people who attempt to capture and contain these beautiful animals. So harmless to us and so beautiful to watch. Their flight patterns are sporadic and unplanned. For this reason they're seen in Chinese folklore as a symbol of instability.
Florida has bugs. Many of them. And generally I can't stand them. But this morning, as I sit outside having my coffee and smoke, playing online, checking homework, etc. (my morning routine) a green dragonfly comes and sat himself down on my laptop. I've always seen a dragonfly approaching me as a sign of good luck or at least good things to come. Mr. Dragonfly this morning was sending me the same message.
Perhaps it's just a symbol of love to me because of my matching tattoos and the strength I gather from my mother and my aunt; two of the strongest women I know. Perhaps it truly is a good omen. Maybe the universe just wants to tell me to take a breather and not fuss so much. Whatever it is I take it as a good sign.
Last night was rough. I'm sure we'll get through it, somehow. No news from unemployment today, but no news is better than bad news at this point. They have three more days to make their decision so hopefully the paperwork I'm waiting on from Wal Mart comes today. That would seal my fate in my favor. It's now July 2nd, and, god(dess)(es) willing we will know for sure when we can get on the road in roughly 13 days. I've been wanting to go home for nearly a year now so 13 more days is totally doable.
I'm going to take the message from my dragonfly friend and move forward today. Like he and his ancestors I will survive. I will make it through this tumultuous time in my life and come out better on the other end. I will, I will, I will.
Thank you Mr. Dragonfly.
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