Although I can now drink with my mother, swear with my mother, and go into pornographic stores with my mother, she is still one of my best friends. I miss her all the time and she has made me the woman I am today. Her strength and perseverance in the face of struggle is made me the strong person I am. Without her I would be a shell of the woman I am.
So to all those mother's out there - remember the good times. The macaroni necklaces and the crayon drawn pictures. Remember the times they tell you they want to marry you because that love will never go away. During their rebellious years pull out those pictures and wear that necklace and remember that rebellion fades and they will come around eventually.
Everyone else go hug your mother. Without her you wouldn't be here. And without her teachings and guidance you would probably be lost. Tell her you love her and tell her often.
Happy Mother's Day to everyone.
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